Hello, my name is Charles Page and I am the…
Hello, my name is Charles Page and I am the elephant in the room no one notices. I suffer from Post Pastoral Traumatic Stress Disorder. My trauma began while serving in the Church of God American Servicemen’s department in 1974 and continued on till 1990 and 28 years later I am being told that it is my fault because I am harboring bad feelings toward the Church of God administrative leadership.
If I talk about it I am treated as an outcast and am shunned and shammed. I am a train-wreck. I am twisted steel and iron and have flipped off the tracks with pilled up cars in the destructive path.
I am not going to be quiet. I am going to be heard. I am someone who is the friend of God and I have something to say. There are many others who have something to say.
Where is the love? #METOO I am the elephant in the room .I’m like the victim of sexual abuse, I am like the undocumented immigrant, I am like the victim of racism.
Where is my love? I am an elephant if If I decide to raise to my hind feet and swing my trunk you will know I am in the room. You need to know I am in the room!
Everyone else is given love why not me?