How can the church triumphant produce such negative statistics for…
How can the church triumphant produce such negative statistics for pastors?
Evangelical. Culture. Hurts. Pastors.
Statistics abound about just how much stress evangelical pastors labor under. [A group called Soul Shepherding](http://archive.vn/x13LV) brings us some eye-opening statistics:
> 75% of pastors report being “extremely stressed” or “highly stressed”
90% work between 55 to 75 hours per week
90% feel fatigued and worn out every week
70% say they’re grossly underpaid
40% report a serious conflict with a parishioner at least once a month.
78% were forced to resign from their church (63% at least twice), most commonly because of church conflict
80% will not be in ministry ten years later and only a fraction make it a lifelong career
On average, seminary trained pastors last only five years in church ministry
100% of 1,050 Reformed and Evangelical pastors had a colleague who had left the ministry because of burnout, church conflict, or moral failure
91% have experienced some form of burnout in ministry and 18% say they are “fried to a crisp right now”