I would like to share with you that I was…
I would like to share with you that I was informed today that our good friend, the Rev. Dale S. Davis recently passed away while in a nursing home in Las Vegas, NV at age 82. Dale preached in A. A. Allen’s Camp Meetings in Miracle Valley, AZ. Below are a few pics from Dale’s preaching at a Mid-Winter Camp Meeting held at Miracle Valley, AZ in 1966. He was a dynamic evangelist with the CHURCH OF GOD (CLEVELAND, TN) and personal friends with DR. RAY H. HUGHES, SR. Below are a few pics from Dale’s preaching at a Mid-Winter Camp Meeting held at Miracle Valley, AZ in 1966. I have used Dale’s ministry to state that Dale Davis is the type of evangelist that we want evangelists from Miracle Valley Bible College to be, and that is, “Anointed men and women of God.” Dale visited with us many times at Miracle Valley. Below is a picture of Dale standing with me in the Administration Building at Miracle Valley. I sent a message to his son, Kent that Dale can come back home to Miracle Valley and be buried in the Miracle Valley Cemetery if the family so desires. A long time ago, I discovered an old 16 mm film that I transferred to a VHS tape. It was Dale preaching at Miracle Valley in 1966. You can see his dynamic preaching on YouTube listed under my name. HIS PREACHING STYLE IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THE CHURCH OF GOD PREACHERS IN 1960’s. When Dale came by for a visit, he was excited to get a copy of his old film back in 1966, something that he treasured. Also, Dale shared with me that he had asked the Lord to let him to preach one more time to the entire world via television. Dale brought a VHS tape recording with him that he wanted to share with me. Back in the 1990’s, during the Presidential elections between Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, they were broadcasting on world-wide television the type of church that these men attended. Bob Dole was shown attending a lovely Methodist Church, and when they showed the type of church Bill Clinton attended, can you believe that it? It was Dale Davis preaching under his revival tent, shouting and praising God and running down off his platform. GOD HAD ANSWERED DALE DAVIS’ PRAYER REQUEST AND ALLOWED HIM TO PREACH ONE MORE TIME TO THE ENTIRE WORLD.