I’m a believer (in Christ) and I’m addressing fellow believers…

I’m a believer (in Christ) and I’m addressing fellow believers here. I’ve just read a few responses in THIS forum where a believer actually dismissed the dismissal of an atheist because evidence that the atheist did NOT find compelling enough was taken off the table by the atheist. Something that WE (believers) have GOT to keep in mind is that what is convincing and compelling in one person’s mind is NOT always the same way or even close in someone else’s mind. Look at Gideon who was a coward that God STILL used and Gideon kept “moving the goal posts”. God even had compassion on Gideon and met Gideon on Gideon’s terms in order to use Gideon effectively. That is only 1 example of God adjusting to meet someone on their terms so that God would be glorified in the end. In the process of attempting to convince people, we mistakenly argue and even tell people that information/evidence that WE (believers) have brought to the table is INDEED compelling and even go as far as to insult the atheist since they don’t draw the same conclusion. Not only is this wrong, it’s insulting to the atheist as WELL as the Kingdom of God and does a tremendous amount of damage that SOMETIMES can’t be undone. Seriously?? I DO know that while Romans 7 (talks about the war between the spirit and the flesh and how us believers are still subject to the flesh) is there for a reason, but the LACK of fruits of the spirit are just as compelling to many as the presence of those same fruits.

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