In between jobs…
I’ve thought a lot about Jesus today. Specifically wondering what he did that day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. You know the one…silent Saturday…the one where it appeared that Jesus was between jobs.
Of course there’s different theories as to what he was doing but the truth is we really don’t know.
For me, today has been a little like that Saturday…
Yesterday was a major day in my life…my last day living in Bismarck. I said good-bye to some dear friends who helped me pack my moving van not sure I’d ever see them again this side of eternity.
Tomorrow I will meet people I have never met before and begin a new chapter in my life.
But today…
I’m in between jobs.
I’ve been mostly silent today as I drove my U-Haul through the beautiful states of Minnesota and Iowa, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.
Being in between jobs gave me time to reflect on why I do what I do.
I know the answer now, but not always. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but it took me years to figure why I should do what I do. But one day it came to me in a flash while reading the words of Jesus. He said, “If you love Me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)
That simple statement hit me like a ton of bricks. With lightening clarity the following statement came to mind:
The more I know Him,
The more I love Him.
And the more I love Him the more I will obey Him.
I reflected on this this for several weeks. And eventually crafted my personal mission statement (it sure took me long enough!). This is what I came up with: I exist to know, love and obey my Lord Jesus Christ.
I exist to know, love, and obey my Lord Jesus Christ.
That’s it…
Whether I have a job or I am between jobs. Whether things are looking up or times are bad. Whether I have friends with me or I am walking a solitary path. In life or death, day or night, in good times or bad…
I exist to know, love, and obey my Lord Jesus Christ. If I get that right everything else will be okay.
The ONE THING for today: It’s not the job you’ve got or the perks and privileges your job provides that will fulfill you. True fulfillment and meaning can only ultimately come from knowing, loving, and obeying Jesus Christ…for that is why you exist.