Iraq – The future headquarters of the coming antichrist

Iraq – The future headquarters of the coming antichrist

bk-ub2_500Note: The following is an excerpt from Perry's book, Unleashing the Beast, which can be ordered from the ministry.

Named the butcher of Baghdad by the west, Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq in July 1979. A member of the Ba'athist party, Saddam's vision for Iraq was one of power and grandeur. Fully aware of the historic significance of his nation, Saddam set in motion plans to rebuild the ancient city of Babylon, erect the world largest mosque with the Euphrates river running though it, and eventually become the leader of a new Islamic crescent that would include Israel as its prized possession. A lengthy war with Iran cancelled many of his plans, but not before Saddam began spending millions of dollars rebuilding in the region of ancient Babylon.