I’ve heard many times from atheists, homosexuals and critics of…

I’ve heard many times from atheists, homosexuals and critics of…

I’ve heard many times from atheists, homosexuals and critics of God how Christians are unjustified in their moral objection to Homosexuality.
Their argument goes something like this: “if I want to be in a sexual relationship with someone of the same gender, I can and there’s nothing wrong with it because Morality is relative, just because it’s bad to you doesn’t mean it’s bad to me. Besides, who I’m sexually attracted to isn’t a harm to anyone.”

That’s a logical statement. You’re extremely right; if you don’t agree or believe in Gods law that homosexuality is an abomination; you’re justified in determining what’s right and what’s wrong by your standards; morality is relative to you. But I disagree that your relative morality doesn’t harm anyone, why?
Because its a slippery slope, you see; you can determine what’s right and wrong by the standards of your relative morality, but so can necrophiliacs, So can pedophiles, so can people that have sexual fetishes towards animals.

The door is open for anything sexual actually.. For a purely educational purpose, if you’re interested in psychology look up “scariest sexual fetishes”. There’s layers to the depths of sexual immorality; when the boundaries God placed are breached things can get scary; you’d be surprised how sick the human mind can be. So it’s fine if you justify your morality exclusively to yourself, but remember; with that logic you must respect the relative morality of others even if they’re sexually attracted to children, babies or dead people.

Think about that next time you call a Christian “judgmental” for standing up for God’s objective moral laws, which is the only justifiable way to object abominable practices dangerous to the human race.

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