Meet The 3 Hamas Terrorist Billionaires Who Live In Utter Luxury While Ruling Over The Palestinian People In Gaza Who Mostly Live In Abject Poverty

The Hamas terrorist billionaires who live in marble-floored mansions and luxury hotels as they decry Gaza poverty after profiting from misery and terror

Over the past few decades, untold billions of dollars has flowed into the hands of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, for humanitarian aid. But the economy there is one of a tangled network of criminal enterprises that wind up diverting most of the money earmarked for food, clothing and medicine into the hands of the upper-echelon of terror group Hamas. In fact, the top 3 people in Hamas are fabulously wealthy billionaires.

I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.” Psalm 26:5 (KJB)

Famed Communist Karl Marx cried out “Workers of the world, unite!”, and thus ignited a firestorm of revolution. Lenin came along seeking to harness this new found power, and began to recruit what he called his ‘useful idiots’ to carry out the mission of world domination. What people never seem to learn, however, is that in any of these radical movements, it is always the poor people at the bottom who do all the working, fighting and dying so that the people at the top can rule them from an ivory tower. Such is the case with Hamas, where their top 3 leaders live in marble palaces eating caviar while the ‘poor Palestinians’ in Gaza and the West Bank foot the bill in their own blood.

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Despite its accumulation of wealth, however, Hamas has avoided responsibility for building infrastructure and protecting the citizens of Gaza.

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: Conditions in the Gaza Strip have long been dire, with the territory referred to by some as the world’s ‘largest open air prison’. Even before the outbreak of war in the wake of Hamas’s October 7 terror attack on Israel, half of Palestinians living in Gaza depended on food supplied by the United Nations. Those conditions have deteriorated over the last month, as Israel continues its bombardment of the 140-square-mile Strip in its mission to destroy the Hamas terror group.

But as the territory’s 2.3million people suffer, several hundred millionaires are registered in the coastal Strip. And while the majority of citizens in the densely populated territory – which is a quarter of the size of Greater London – languish in poverty, a select few live in marble-floored mansions and luxury hotels.

According to the Embassy of Israel in the US, three of Hamas’s most senior leaders – Mousa Abu Marzouk, Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh – have net worths of more than $3billion each.

The embassy also claims that Hamas’s annual turnover is $1billion and suggests the group is second only to ISIS as the world’s richest terror group.

Hamas is best known for its military wing, with reports that 40,000 terrorists wear the group’s badge, thousands of whom took part in the October 7 attack. They are armed to the teeth with rifles and rockets, and have vowed to destroy Israel. But the group is also the de facto authority that governs over Gaza, running organizations including its healthcare system, social services and the media.

It took power in 2006, with its political leader Ismail Haniyeh assuming the role of prime minister that year. It remains in control of the territory and – having called no elections since – is essentially an authoritarian regime.

In the years since taking control, the group’s leaders have profited off the misery of the Gazan people.

In a video, the Embassy of Israel in the US accused the group of using its funds for building tunnels and arming its fighters rather than building vital infrastructure such as wells and water treatment. Haniyeh is believed to be the richest of the three – despite once vowing to live only on olive oil and za’atar spice. A 61-year-old father of 13 children, Haniyeh has been in hiding since 2019, living the high-life in luxury hotels in Qatar and Turkey.

While all the sources of Hamas’s income may remain unknown, one thing is certain: the group will not be diverting its funds to help the civilians of Gaza, who with each passing day are slipping deeper and deeper into a humanitarian crisis. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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