Ministering to Special Needs Children

Ministering to Special Needs Children


Evangel Podcast Episode with

Drs. Cheryl & Jackie Johns

Ministering to Special Needs Children

This Week's Podcast

How is your church addressing Special Needs Ministry to Children? On this week's Evangel Podcast, we'll discuss this very important question and the significance of special needs ministries and equipping with Drs. Cheryl & Jackie Johns. These esteemed Pentecostal Theological Seminary professors not only teach seminary students on this subject, but they are also hosting a free webinar this week (April 18th) for ministry leaders!

Pathway Press is excited to partner with the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, the Church of God Department of Youth and Discipleship, and the Church of God of Prophecy (Official) Children’s Ministries Department to bring you this FREE webinar on Ministry with Special Needs Children and their Families! Don't miss this amazing opportunity! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

FREE WEBINAR: Every Child Welcome — The Church's Ministry to Special Needs Children and Their Families.

Your church is invited to participate in this free webinar on Tuesday April 18th at 6:30 PM EST.


This event wouldn't be possible without our partners:

Pentecostal Theological Seminary  Drs Cheryl & Jackie Johns

Church of God Dept. of Youth Tony Lane

Church of God of Prophecy Dept. of Children Kathy Creasy

Pathway Press & Resources