“No More Hiding” pastor Loran Livingston, February 16, 2020
Today pastor Loran preached from the Gospel of Luke 6:6-11 about the man with a withered hand who was healed by our Lord Jesus. Through this illustration pastor Loran called us to “be real” with our Lord. God knows us: He knows our thoughts, our weaknesses and our struggles in life- we just need to remember that as God’s children we have to learn to live genuinely and openly before our God, without hiding our imperfections and let God do His work in us by surrendering ourselves to Him and just “be real” with Him in everything. And at the same time we must learn to never judge people who come to Christ in repentance seeking help, but love them and show them how much God loves them by praying for them and by being real with them and let them know that we are not any better than they are and that we are not perfect and have our own struggles and failures in life but thank God for His unconditional love to us and His mercy, and hope that we have in Jesus Christ and Him alone! Be blessed!