Not sure why (Is it the Lord leading me, or…
Not sure why (Is it the Lord leading me, or have I just taken it upon myself?) Lately I find myself checking comments in a post, looking for and refuting misconceptions about God/Christianity. The other day was refuting that christians “stole” their religion from the Egyptians, who had theirs 3000 years before Christ!! Even telling me that the Egyptian God Anum-Ra (?) Is God because he was a man was was killed and became spirit (if I remember correctly. I said it’s just like satan to pervert the truth! I said the Alpha & Omega NEVER started as a man!! I then said Christ the Son, who is the Word and God, became man through virgin birth, walked the earth 33 years was crucified and was raised from the Dead by the power of God and is now seated at the Father’s right hand and has ALL POWER & AUTHORITY, and will return for the redeemed in Christ. Oh the hated yiu get for speaking truth.