old server down in the new NEW SERVER UPGRADE for #bibliata #ourCOG ourCOG June 17, 2011 4:13 pm #ourCOG 0 old server down in the new NEW SERVER UPGRADE for #bibliata #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts guest speaking http://goo.gl/fb/NY0qw #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/u6pBU #ourCOG Ministry has got to be about equipping a generation to win a generation… http://goo.gl/fb/cPUMH #ourCOG RT @bibliata: I Have the Keys! http://goo.gl/fb/2prF2 #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/JnWIL #ourCOG AMEN!!! RT @bibliata we need to get back, to the basics of life, a heart that is pure, and a love that is blind #ourCOG #bibliata