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Voices from the Margin
Find out more about Rev. Dr. Charles Howard and the work he is doing HERE.Find his collection of essays in the book The Souls of Poor Folk or his book called Black Theology as Mass Movement.L... »
The Prince and His Power :: By Terry James
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli has often been called the “father of modern political philosophy and political science.” He was an Italian diplomat, politician, historian, philosopher, humanist, w... »
Why Is Dan Missing in the Apocalyptic Vision? | Perry Stone
It has been the most asked question to prophetic teachers. Why is Dan missing from the list in John’s vision in Revelation? Here are... »
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Part #4 Of The Minor Prophets From Hosea To Malachi – Obadiah
The Minor Prophets, also known as ‘The Twelve’, deliver a mighty end times punch in bringing you the info on how the time of Jacob’s trouble and the great Tribulation will play out The Old Testament s... »
NTEB SUNDAY SERVICE: The Whole Armour Of God Is An Unimpeachable Necessity As We Watch The End Times Swirling All Around Us
The whole armour of God for us here in the 21st century is that dusty, old-fashioned ‘word of a king’ we call the King James Bible, do you have it? Today was the last Sunday Service of 2024, and at Be... »