This just in...
Annual Christmas Tree Lighting to Take Place Nov. 14
Lee University’s annual Christmas tree lighting will take place on Thursday, Nov. 14, at 6:30 p.m., featuring live music, cookie decorating, and other festivities. The event will take place in […... »
An Essential Four-letter Word
…Now while he was serving…when his division was on duty… Luke 1:8 My dear Trinity, How did you grow up … »
This Week on Jentezen Franklin TV We are living in a time when the Bible is called evil, and the preaching of the Bible is considered hate speech by many. You can’t sit on the sidelines and watch it happen;... »
Donald Trump Becomes The 47th President Of The United States In Stunning Victory As Americans Unite Across Race And Gender Lines To Sweep Him In
It’s a long way from November 5th 2024 to January 20th 2025, and absolutely anything could happen to president-elect Donald Trump between now and the. Stay awake, Christian. One of the most amazing as... »
6 Nov 2024
Severe flooding in central Vietnam leaves 12 dead, 34 000 homes flooded Severe flooding in central Vietnam, triggered by Tropical Storm “Trami” and a sweeping cold front, has killed 12 people, injured... »
Fighting for America | Bryan Cutshall
If you enjoy the message we put out, make sure to subscribe to our channel. Omega Center International is an Evangelical convention center in Cleveland, TN. Make sure to watch our live streams Tuesday... »
Praise and Worship – November 3, 2024
Minister of Music Steve Allen leads the Westmore congregation in Praise and Worship. Praise and Worship songs: “Great Is” “Always On Time” Choir songs: “For My Good”... »
NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: An Election Night Look Into Some Of The Righteous Kings And Wicked Rulers As Found In Your King James Bible
Here on Election Night in America, we take a look at some of the righteous kings and wicked rulers as found in the pages of your King James Bible Right now here in America, the people are voting as th... »
CRC Holds Civic Virtue and Thought Symposium
Lee University’s Center for Responsible Citizenship (CRC) recently hosted its ninth annual Civic Virtue and Thought Symposium. The symposium brought Lee students, faculty, alumni, and members of the b... »
The Devil’s Puppets :: By Rick Segoine
“These six things doth the Lord hate. Yea, seven are an abomination to Him” (Proverbs 6:16-19, KJB). 1. A proud look 2. A lying tongue 3. Hands that shed innocent blood 4. A heart that devises wicked ... »
Reality Is Setting In, But for Who? :: By Dave Hubley
(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-... »