This just in...
Top 100 “evangelists” to lead someone to Christ
I would be surpirsed that if the top 100 “evangelists” with the biggest mailing list have led someone to Christ outside of a church... »
PAX GERMANICA & U.S. OF EUROPE – OR A NEW WORLD ORDER WHICH IS THE CORRECT DOCTRINE? A debate has emerged within the sabbatarian... »
Today we look at the New Testament: DIVISIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT New Testament Text, Critic accuses us of using non-original text. However... »
Connections – Connected and Serving
Sunday Morning Worship Service »
Parable about the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew 13
Matthew 13 gives a parable that Jesus used to teach the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like... »
Joseph Castillo: Is this in #CHINA preacher?
Is this in #CHINA preacher? Joseph Castillo »
The pre-Adamic race GAP theory explains it all
The pre-Adamic race GAP theory explains it all: 1. Where lost souls come from? 2. Where the demons come from? 3. When did Satan... »
ADVENT: Is your church celebrating?
ADVENT: Is your church celebrating? Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for... »
How are the terms Pentecostal, Charismatic and Hyper-Charismatic used
How are the terms Pentecostal, Charismatic and Hyper-Charismatic used to describe different religious movements? The typical use of Pentecostal on this site is in... »
One problem with both Arminianism and Calvinism
One problem with both arminianism and Calvinism is that one believes a loving God created man knowing most would burn in the lake of... »
The Entrance of Sin and the Dinosaurs: The biblical account
The Entrance of Sin and the Dinosaurs The biblical account of Creation suggests that the curse that followed the fall of Adam and Eve... »
3 Opportunities to Serve Neighbors From Another Culture
3 Opportunities to Serve Neighbors From Another Culture »