This just in...
Faculty Chapel // Fall 2015
Before every semester begins, the Lee University faculty gathers together in the Chapel to worship, pray and encourage others through personal testimony. »
Killing Giants Conquering Condemnation
Sunday Morning Worship Service »
TOP 10 Reasons to Use Google Hangouts for Churches
Unlimited Post/Video Length Edit Your Posts/Videos Hangouts On Air Hangouts – normal hangouts are a great way for staff meetings and devotionals Over 250 Million Users have &ldquo... »
When the Feast of Pentecost came
“When the Feast of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale... »
Can you be holy without speaking in tongues?
Is this a trick question: can you be holy without speaking in tongues? »
In Australia it’s church day
Today here in Australia it’s church day. “Enter into his courts with praise and thanksgiving” May God bless you all today and keep you. »
One of the most powerful revival of the 20th century
One of the most powerful revival of the 20th century was the Latter Rain Revival in Canada. I believe in the Latter Rain Revival! »
Why I left IHOP Church
I just finished my writing of the draft for the new e-book. This one will cause me some friends 🙂 John Kissinger [08/15/2015 8:35... »
Sanctification in the Assemblies of God
So I have a question. I know that the Church of God, IPHC, and the Free Will Baptist of Pentecostal Faith believe that sanctification... »
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, WHAT IS MANKIND... »