
The Biden Administration Funding Far Left Attack Groups Like NewsGuard To Censor And Silence Christian And Conservative News Outlets Like NTEB

The Biden Administration Funding Far Left Attack Groups Like NewsGuard To Censor And Silence Christian And Conservative News Outlets Like NTEB

A bombshell lawsuit has accused the US State Department of violating First Amendment rights by using taxpayer dollars to fund private censorship firms like NewsGuard that attack Christian sites like NTEB I suppose we should be flattered on some level, Microsoft lists that NewsGuard reviews around 7,500 web sites for ‘accuracy in reporting’, and NTEB […] The post The Biden Administration Funding Fa... »

Pt. 2 of Rob Bell, end times, and how Jesus got “left behind.”

In part one of this piece (here’s a link if you missed it), I gave my take on the fallout of the Rob Bell controversy within the Church. While I was direct about my basic criticisms of the book, I also wanted to be clear that I think Bell is on target in what I [...] »

Hurricane Sandy makes a left turn, takes aim at New Jersey

Hurricane Sandy makes a left turn, takes aim at New Jersey

The scenes are straight out of a disaster blockbuster: A killer storm takes aim at one of the most populated regions of the country. Hundreds of thousands are forced from their homes. New York City is brought to a standstill. The nation’s capital is emptied of government workers. And thousands of National Guard troops are called up. Such was the story playing out early Monday from North Caro... »

Why did Jerry Lawson left #ourCOG

First of all, I want to thank my many friends who have been so kind to me through this transition in my ministry. As I have told many people, I cannot lose the best of the COG because the best parts of the COG are the friendships and I will be taking them with me. You faithful friends mean the world to me, and you know who you are. I started 2015 with more prayer and fasting than any other year in... »