This just in...
So why do Pentecostals like Barth?
So why do Pentecostals like Barth? »
Barth is asking if you got Christology?
If Barth is asking if you got Christology Jürgen Moltmann is asking if you got Pneumatology Why do Pentecostals like Jürgen Moltmann ??? »
Faith Matters, Episode 25 | Who is Jesus?
We Believe: That Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, conceived of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary. That Jesus was crucified, buried, and raised from the dead. That He asce... »
The Cost of Discipleship by Bonhoeffer
In “The Cost of Discipleship,” Bonhoeffer rebuked nominal Christians: “Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Co... »
3 distinct theological-systems
3 distinct theological-systems. Which one do you subscribe to? »
1 JOHN 2:16 explained
1 JOHN 2:16 schematically (not systematically) explained Alan N Carla Smith »
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare! June Prayer Email Many people talk about ‘spiritual warfare’. To me this is the ability to come before the Lord in prayer,... »
Christian Persecution Has Never Been Worse
Christian Persecution Has Never Been Worse »
“Blessed is the one…whose DELIGHT is in the law of the LORD, and who MEDITATES on his law day and night.” (Psa. 1:1-2) [What... »
“Stay Connected To The River” with Jentezen Franklin
Watch “Stay Connected To The River” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel. »
The #conservative line-up of presidential candidates
The #conservative line-up of presidential candidates »
Jonathan Downie who just signed his very first…
Congratulations to Jonathan Downie who just signed his very first non-academic book deal! »