This just in...
National Back to Church Sunday September 15, 2013
TAG URL: National Back to Church Sunday ( Want to be happier and live longer? Who doesn’t? According... »
Violence Is Not The Way Of The Kingdom
Image Credit Samuel Hamilton in East of Eden once wrote, “Two stories have haunted us and followed us from our beginning. . . . We carry them along with us like invisible tails—the story o... »
Jesus can never be boxed in. He continually and consistently does things that leave us astonished.But, it's that astonishment that leads us to worship. When Jesus broke down their boxes of understandi... »
Inside the Ministry- September 3, 2013
There are actually so many ministry opportunities, assignments and events being planned for the VOE and OCI that I am feeling like a racehorse coming out of the gate and running at full speed, w... »
My Season of Weakness! But His Grace…
When times of difficulty visit our homes, and there's nothing within our power to be done, where is our trust focused? A total trust and reliance on God is not always natural but is necessary!... »
5 Signs You’re a Terrible Christian Leader
Reblogged from ctkblog: by Jayson Bradley Christianity was a grass-roots movement started by people largely marginalized from the first-century religious establishment. Almost entirely dismissed by th... »