This just in...
Billy Graham Urges Americans to Vote Biblical Values
After meeting with Gov. Romney last week—and assuring him he would do whatever he could to help the presidential candidate in the weeks leading up to Election Day—Billy Graham is urging Americans to v... »
3 Ways To Give Your Prayer Life A Facelift
There are times in my life that prayer gets so commonplace that it becomes more of a daily checklist than actually meeting with God in new and creative ways that are fresh. If you’re like me, y... »
5 Things To Do When Doubt Has Captured Your Loved One
If you have ever had a friend, or a family member doubt the faith, you know how disheartening that can be. It cuts your very soul. In some cases, your friend or family member simply doubts something i... »
Can An Evangelical Christian Vote for a Mormon?
This question has stirred much debate. Historically, Christians have voted for candidates of different faiths, including Mormons, based on how they live their lives and how deeply committed they are t... »
Guide for Christian Voters
There are many issues in our day for the Christian to consider when voting for a leader of the United States. We feel that Christians should make efforts to be informed concerning the policies of thos... »
VOE Newsletter October 2012
October 2012 Voice of Evangelism Newsletter Latest Happenings from the Ministry! In This Issue EP-100 Satan's Playbook ... »
Wind Ensemble Concert
Wind Ensemble Concert – October 16, 2012 »
Does God Have All Of You?
What could God accomplish through your life, if He had all of you? That question will one day be answered by hearing God say, “Well done good and faithful servant”, or by Him showing you what could ha... »