This just in...
Exhibition Showcases Role of Christianity in Twentieth Century British Art
Exploring the role of Christianity through visual arts, the exhibition “Twentieth Century British Art from the Ahmanson Collection” will be displayed for the first time in Southern Califor... »
Church Leaders Can Be Personally Liable for Unpaid Payroll Taxes
Recently a federal court in North Carolina ruled that a minister met the definition of a “responsible person” under section 6672 of the tax code, and therefore the IRS could assess a penal... »
What Changes the Older You Get
I once heard Perry say that he knew he was getting older because the toys in antique stores are the ones he used to play with as a child. He also said he knew he was getting older because the hi... »
Inside the Ministry Update February 16, 2012
Reformation Weekends continue Thursday - Saturday nights February 25th special service on the OCI property 31 days for favor and blessing Order your copy of Breaking the Apocalypse Code Bible Stu... »
Revised Edition Review of Global Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement Released
Dr. Grant McClung and Bridge-Logos Publishing have announced the revised edition of McClung’s Azusa Street and Beyond: Missional Commentary on the Global Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement (March 2012).... »
New Quote Added…
“How comes it that men are almost always sure to arrive at the conclusions reached by their own party?” _Frederick W. Robertson, Classic Sermons on The Will of God I added this quotation today not be... »
Missionaries Working Against Child Labor In Ecuador
Church of God missionaries Dan and Teresa Susong report on their efforts working with children rescued from child labor. ECUADOR — This year we will be working directly with 1,000 children and a... »
Daily 40-day Devotional Guide
Good morning! Welcome to Day 30! We are 75% complete! Yesterday was one of my fast days and last night I was so hungry – fasting never seems to get easier for me – and I was so tempted t... »
The greatest test of your character will be seen in what it takes to make you quit. -Tim Hill #ourCOG
The greatest test of your character will be seen in what it takes to make you quit. -Tim Hill #ourCOG »
Missing the “It”
Most of the coverage regarding Jeremy Lin for the last two days has centered around a question: How could coaches have missed him? The reason this question is asked because Lin was cut by two differen... »
"I’ve Got a River of Life", "Amazing Grace", & "This Is the Day" this was our #worship this morning #YWAM #oldschoolworship #ourCOG
"I've Got a River of Life", "Amazing Grace", & "This Is the Day" this was our #worship this morning #YWAM #oldschoolworship #ourCOG »