This just in...
Exposing the Jezebel Spirit
Jonas Clark teaching on the Jezebel spirit. Do you REALLY want to know the truth? Will you deal with the truth once it has been revealed to you? Jonas lays out the truth of how Jezebel operates. »
Yes, It’s Gossip
I was chatting with someone online tonight and they began telling me some things that I quickly realized I not only did not want to hear, but I should not hear (or in this case, read.)When I told this... »
My husband hates the smell of my food. I don’t mind eating in the garage. #ourCOG
My husband hates the smell of my food. I don't mind eating in the garage. #ourCOG »
I’m going on the mission field this week. I’m going over to the Baptist church and putting leaflets on the cars. #ourCOG
I'm going on the mission field this week. I'm going over to the Baptist church and putting leaflets on the cars. #ourCOG »
By the time we get to Matthew 5:20 we are not that far into Jesus’ sermon. Yet, it seems he has already turned our world upside down. He has instructed … Continue reading → »
#ourCOG sounds alittle like heaven RT @dpbearden Do they sing this good in the COG?
#ourCOG sounds alittle like heaven RT @dpbearden Do they sing this good in the COG? »
Why God Speaks in Symbolism
Perry Stone teaches from Israel. »
In Closing
Looking up from this bedI whisper softlyTo the surroundingFriends, andFamily, andEcho the words ofThe Savior:“It is finished.”I close my eyes,And with a smile,Drift off into thatEternal sleep,Longing ... »
@dasjr @macpowell WHAT did #OBAMA said that he allowed the Holy Spirit to intercede through him? Did become Pentecostal? FOUND GOD? #ourCOG
@dasjr @macpowell WHAT did #OBAMA said that he allowed the Holy Spirit to intercede through him? Did become Pentecostal? FOUND GOD? #ourCOG »
@dasjr found it in #Perry fixed it all for 1hr made it 2target location #ourCOG Sunday I’m preaching on Mission Possible HOLY GHOST PROTOCOL
@dasjr found it in #Perry fixed it all for 1hr made it 2target location #ourCOG Sunday I'm preaching on Mission Possible HOLY GHOST PROTOCOL »
And The Winner Is…
I just could not resist passing this along. FIRST PLACE WINNER: BESSEMER, MICHIGAN’S FOURTH OF JULY PARADE FLOATBessemer, Michigan is a small community in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Bessemer is locat... »