This just in...
Men’s fellowship @westmorecog Lodge property 8:00 pm. Be there to hang out, eat and talk about Men’s ministry in 2012! #ourCOG
Men's fellowship @westmorecog Lodge property 8:00 pm. Be there to hang out, eat and talk about Men's ministry in 2012! #ourCOG »
Day Twelve = When in Rome (40 day fasting challenge)
Day Twelve = When in Rome Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (Eph. 6:11) At the height of the Roman Empire, it was the strongest and most adv... »
“@Cog_Swagger: Winter fest speaker idea: baseball player Dustin Richardson believes in more than enough. #ourCOG” So does Gary Oliver
“@Cog_Swagger: Winter fest speaker idea: baseball player Dustin Richardson believes in more than enough. #ourCOG” So does Gary Oliver »
Winter fest speaker idea: baseball player Dustin Richardson believes in more than enough. #ourCOG
Winter fest speaker idea: baseball player Dustin Richardson believes in more than enough. #ourCOG »
Just working on some new catch phrases. What do you think of "Remember azuza street," when we start to lose someone to the Baptist #ourCOG
Just working on some new catch phrases. What do you think of "Remember azuza street," when we start to lose someone to the Baptist #ourCOG »
@bibliata What is #ourCOG ?
@bibliata What is #ourCOG ? »
Just working on some new catch phrases. What do you think of "put some organ behind that," when someone says something awesome! #ourCOG
Just working on some new catch phrases. What do you think of "put some organ behind that," when someone says something awesome! #ourCOG »
@GabeTaviano nice to see you joining #ourCOG 🙂
@GabeTaviano nice to see you joining #ourCOG 🙂 »
Modern Day Apocalyptic Confusion
Perry Stone teaches from Israel »
Kingdom Steps
For nearly two thousand years the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew has captivated the hearts, minds, and imaginations of Christ followers everywhere. It has been affectionately referred to... »
Money Can’t Buy
I see herOut of the corner of my eyePushing that shopping cart,That silver prison,Containing everything she calls her own.“Maybe I can help,”I think aloud,“But, hey,” I remind myself,Before I take thi... »