This just in...
Attention grades 6-12
We are going to join 6th through 12th grade for the youth group which will be meeting this Wednesday night at 6:30 in the OT sanctuary. »
Have You Taken Control of Your Health Today?
Life Line Screening will be at Covenant Church on Friday, February 3, 2012 offering five safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical.... »
The Thief of Time
I read a quote once that said “procrastination is the thief of time.” I don’t remember exactly where I read this but as I meditated on it I came across this verse: The soul of the s... »
The Ditches of Life
An attractive 24 year-old woman boasts of being an Atheist. Logic is her god, with the right to make personal choices. »
well friends today is the day… I am going to google one of my friends and not feel like I’m sinning.(despite what it sounds like) #ourCOG
well friends today is the day... I am going to google one of my friends and not feel like I'm sinning.(despite what it sounds like) #ourCOG »
@RevTG_Marigold Were did not go? I guess there are no phones on your mission trip. #lucky #ourCOG
@RevTG_Marigold Were did not go? I guess there are no phones on your mission trip. #lucky #ourCOG »
#30thingsaboutme I’m #COG to the core and ole’ school to the max. (I have no clue what that means, thanks grandson) #ourCOG
#30thingsaboutme I'm #COG to the core and ole' school to the max. (I have no clue what that means, thanks grandson) #ourCOG »
Anyone have a Recipe for snickers, my husband likes so I try to make. #devoted #thegoodwife #ourCOG
Anyone have a Recipe for snickers, my husband likes so I try to make. #devoted #thegoodwife #ourCOG »
Why I can’t be indifferent to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
I am not among the 800 billion people who’ve read Stieg Larsson’s bestselling trilogy. But I did see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo just after Christmas. Since I don’t live on an igloo in Antarctic... »
Power in Scripture – The Only Rule
Taken from the 40 day fasting challenge devotional Power in Scripture – The Only Rule Every soldier knows the code. Every soldier is taught, studies and abides by the code. What code is this? It... »
Day Eleven = Weaklings Made Strong (40 day fasting challenge)
Day Eleven = Weaklings Made Strong Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. (Ephesians 6:10) We read that God put on armor to fight against His enemies (see Isaiah 59:17). How ... »