This just in...
Abraham: What’s the Big Idea?
What’s the big idea? It is an idiom that is normally used to ask the simple question, Why are you doing that? However, it carries with it a sense of befuddlement. It is to say, Please tell me why you ... »
The Covenant Breakers of Pennsylvania Avenue
Perry Stone teaches at the Main Event in Hixon, Tennessee. »
Affirmation & Prayer for Purity
AFFIRMATION: I shall not intentionally seek out salacious (tawdry, sensual, impure) material (written, verbal or visual) but will intentionally seek out and dwell on that which is: true, noble, just, ... »
RT @cogmusicman: @Cog_Swagger your tweets count as visits #ourCOG
RT @cogmusicman: @Cog_Swagger your tweets count as visits #ourCOG »
@darrellbjr missread your twit as "wireless man reads the Bible" #ourCOG 🙂
@darrellbjr missread your twit as "wireless man reads the Bible" #ourCOG 🙂 »
@Cog_Swagger your tweets count as visits #ourCOG
@Cog_Swagger your tweets count as visits #ourCOG »
Wish I had a bar of lava soap to wash my grandson’s mouth out with. He said "I’m thinking of voting Democrat in this election." #ourCOG
Wish I had a bar of lava soap to wash my grandson's mouth out with. He said "I'm thinking of voting Democrat in this election." #ourCOG »
“nothing” is wrong
I was reading my Next Steps scriptures the other day and came across a new (for me) revelation. Jesus teaches that to do nothing in certain situations is evil and destructive. Luke 6:9 Then Jesus said... »
My neighbor is a confusius and brags about his karate. I rubbed oil on my hand and showed him how we, pentecostals, take people down.#ourCOG
My neighbor is a confusius and brags about his karate. I rubbed oil on my hand and showed him how we, pentecostals, take people down.#ourCOG »
Something for Preachers and Teachers to muse on…
Lately I have been studying Jay E. Adams’ essay on “Nine beliefs at the heart of biblical preaching (The Art & craft of Biblical Preaching). Adams gives as one of the beliefs at the h... »
America – The Land of No Restraint!
If I were to ask you what has made America great, your reply would partially be based from the type of glasses you viewed the nation under when growing up in an America home. To a conservative busines... »