This just in...
I was named as a candidate for usher at my #ourCOG . Next stop white gloves and doxology
I was named as a candidate for usher at my #ourCOG . Next stop white gloves and doxology »
Din and Roar
As a teenager I worked around sawmills with large diesel engines. Deafening! No ear plugs. My hearing was damaged. Fortunately, a small piece of technology serves me well to assist with hearing and u... »
The next big trend in #ourCOG worship : Vuvuzelas
The next big trend in #ourCOG worship : Vuvuzelas »
Super natural Beastiality : #twilight according to #ourCOG
Super natural Beastiality : #twilight according to #ourCOG »
Just read that Harry Potter made $426 million this weekend. Maybe #OurCOG will get the tithe on that…
Just read that Harry Potter made $426 million this weekend. Maybe #OurCOG will get the tithe on that... »
Harry Potter is nothing more than a wolf in awesome clothing #ourCOG
Harry Potter is nothing more than a wolf in awesome clothing #ourCOG »
I have never seen a harry potter or read one but #ourCOG does not like mortals dating vampires.
I have never seen a harry potter or read one but #ourCOG does not like mortals dating vampires. »
LMR Rally and Celebration This Week: July 22 and 23
We are so excited about the LMR Rally and Celebration coming up this weekend! Response to the event has been extraordinary, with over 500 registrants. This meeting is going to be an opportune time f... »
Kira Niece and Leia daughter
Kira Niece and Leia daughter, a set on Flickr.Leia and Baby Kira posing. July 2011 »
the role of music in preparation and preaching.
Okay, this is going to be a fun one. I think I have to start with this: I am utterly, completely obsessed with preaching. Of course I would like to think I am more obsessed with God. But there is so... »
Living on Sabbath Time: Day 18/31
“Good health is not the absence of symptoms but the beating of a thankful heart.” David A. Redding, The Miracles of Christ, p. 80 Leviticus 22:29-30 (NKJV) 29 And when you offer a sacrifice of thanks... » | v3.11r16 #| #v3.11r16 | v3.11r16 #| #v3.11r16 »