Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart,“There is no…
Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart,“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.There is number 2,after number 1.
There is letter B,after letter A.
There must be something where everything came from,it can’t be nothing.
There is an alphabet,because there is someone who thought of it.
There is a baby,because there is a parent.
There is a creation,because there is a creator.
You are here because someone created you.God does exist. And that God who created everything loves you so much. You are not here because of an accident,you have a purpose. You are perfectly loved and made by a perfect creator.
Atheists believes in Logic when “Creating something from nothing/All existence came from non-existence” is illogical.
Atheists believes in Science when Science itself says that under the law of Metaphysics and quantum physics (Base on my research and little bit of study) “There must be something which where everything came from.”“Nothing can create itself, for then it would be prior to itself, which is impossible.”
God simply is subsistent existence itself, and through him all things consist. He is not merely outside of time, he transcends it. He is not merely outside of change, he transcends it. He simply is.
“I AM THAT I AM” (exodus 3:14)There’s no such thing such as ‘Atheist’.