Release Of The Apple Vision Pro Ushers In Dystopian World Where Humans And Computers Are Irreversibly Connected As We’ve Long Warned You

Release Of The Apple Vision Pro Ushers In Dystopian World Where Humans And Computers Are Irreversibly Connected As We’ve Long Warned You

By charging $3,499 for a souped-up headset, Apple is telling us exactly what the Vision Pro is. This isn’t a toy for normal people. It’s a dystopian device for a dystopian world.

The 1999 movie Revelation 2: Apocalypse showed us a dystopian world about to go into the time of the great Tribulation, and in it, they presented a novel way of administering the Mark of the Beast, using a VR headset. Here we are 25 years later, and the world has moved much closer to that reality, brought to us by the company whose first computer sold for $666.00, and whose logo is an apple with a bite missing. Now with their Apple Vison Pro mixed-reality headset, they are enticing you to enter their dystopian end times world. Don’t.

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:11 (KJB)

We’ve long told you there is a 3-Step Process to complete the transhumanist master plan. Step 1 was getting the whole world connected online and in front of a computer, and that officially began in 1994. Step 2 was to get the computer on you, beginning in 2007 with the release of the world-changing iPhone. The Vision Pro is the consummation of this second step. Step 3, the third and final step, will be to put the technology inside you. It began this year with the announcement of the first human implanted by the government funded NeuraLink and Elon Musk. The Apple Vision Pro is a great way to celebrate Step 3!

The Apple Vision Pro Is a Dystopian Device for a Dystopian World

FROM CNET: A dad stands awkwardly in the kitchen. He’s using the Vision Pro headset to check his email when his daughter — dressed to play soccer complete with goalie gloves — runs out. She rolls a ball to her dad who, still wearing the headset, sort of distractedly kicks the ball back to her. As a dad who’s spent a depressing amount of time trying to get rid of their kids so I could spend more time glued to an Apple device, it was relatable. It also felt icky.

But it wasn’t designed to feel icky. It was supposed to be heartwarming. Designed to dispel concerns about the Vision Pro and virtual reality headsets in general. Look, it says, the dream is possible! You can still live life and interact with your family while wearing a gigantic, expensive headset on your face! You won’t become a hollowed-out shell of a human! The Vision Pro won’t suck you into a virtual reality hellscape devoid of human interaction!

The Vision Pro isn’t an adequately priced smartphone. It isn’t an iPad Mini. In its press release, Apple seemed determined to avoid the word “headset,” instead referring to it constantly as a “spatial computer.” Either way, this isn’t a fun, disposable device, it’s a wildly expensive MacBook that costs tens of thousands of dollars. Or a $17,000 gold Apple Watch, like the one Kanye West used to wear.

Because of this, the Vision Pro almost certainly hasn’t been designed to change the world the way the iPhone was. At this price it simply can’t. It’ll be a device for well-paid creatives at best, a status symbol for the mega-rich at worst.

Expectations — our expectations — are part of the problem. We’re on our screens, possibly ignoring our children like morons waiting for the next big thing. What piece of consumer tech will transform our lives like the smartphone did? There’s a large part of us that expects Apple to do this, since the iPhone was the catalyst that helped define how we currently interact with the world. But it’s fairly clear virtual reality or augmented reality will not be that thing. The Vision Pro most certainly will not be that thing.

No, the Vision Pro is just another device that some people will buy and others won’t. And in a weird way, that’s OK. As long as you don’t linger on it for too long. Which I won’t. READ MORE

The woman says, “to activate the Home screen, just reach up with your right hand and press the digital crown“. Really, Apple? Come on, man. 

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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