Retired Ministers & Widows Appreciation Sunday
October 28, 2018 is Retired Ministers and Widows Appreciation Day!
If you could travel back 40 or 50 years, you would see these men and women in the height of their ministerial activity. They were ministering as missionaries, pastors, and evangelists, wholeheartedly dedicating their efforts to the work of the Lord. In those days, money was rarely available for contributing to a retirement fund, and because income was limited, their Social Security check is now small.
The Church of God loves and honors our pioneer ministers and widows. We set aside funds to help them, supported by an offering given by each local church on Retired Ministers and Widows Appreciation Day, this year designated as October 28. Twenty-five percent of the offering you give goes for emergency assistance, and seventy-five percent furnishes a Christmas gift.
“Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives and follow the example of their faith” (Hebrews 13:7 NLT). They served the Lord with commitment—untiringly, faithfully, not preoccupied with the future. Now, as they are writing the last chapters of their lives, they deserve to experience our appreciation and compassion. Remember them. Think of all the good that has come from their lives. Give generously and send your offering with your October church report.