REVIVAL BEHIND BARS: We Had 7 Souls Pray To Get Saved This Weekend As The Lord Continues To Give The End Times Harvest We’ve All Been Praying For!

NTEB doesn’t have fancy office buildings, no investment in real estate or crypto, every dollar we get is invested in the harvest of souls that the Lord is pleased to bless us with.

On our special 2-hour Podcast today on the 60th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, we talked about the amazing soul harvest we had this weekend. Here in Saint Augustine, our street preaching team went out into the ‘highway and hedges’, and we saw 3 people pray to get saved. Over at the Wooster Bible Church in Ohio, Evangelist David Spurgeon preached at the Richland Correctional Institution and we saw another 4 people pray to get saved. Not only that, each of those inmates were given a King James Bible through Bibles Behind Bars, and the first 20 cases of Bibles were delivered to the prison chaplain as well.

“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” Psalm 26:7 (KJB)

In the photo at the top of this article, we have from left to right Pastor Joe Silvestri, Pastor David Silvestri, Evangelist David Spurgeon, and Chaplain Ricardo Miguel. They are each of them holding a Bible from the ones we sent to them. They very much needed those Bibles this weekend at the prison, and the Lord gave a harvest. In the photo at the bottom, you see members of the NTEB Street Preaching Team winning souls and warning the lost. 3 prayed to get saved during the weekend, and around 1,000 gospel tracts handed out. For those of you who pray for this ministry, those prayers are being wonderfully answered.


When you donate to support this ministry, you ‘donation dollar’ is helping to provide free King James Bible and gospel tracts to minister to the lost with, and it supplies dozens of jails and prisons across America with cases of Bibles that are given out for free to inmates through our Bibles Behind Bars program. This weekend, as far as the Judgment Seat of Christ is concerned, we are all sharing in those 7 souls (that we know of ) and countless more that we don’t. NTEB doesn’t have fancy office buildings, no investment in real estate or crypto, every dollar we get is invested in the harvest of souls that the Lord is pleased to bless us with. Join is as we minister on the front lines of the end times, click on the donate button and help us to keep the ‘supply lines’ open as we send out King James Bibles, New Testaments, scripture portions and gospel tracts to where they’re needed most. Thank you so much…TO THE FIGHT!!!

[This post contains video, click to play]

Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last Days before the Rapture of the Church

Please continue to pray for us, and for wisdom for me especially, as we continue taking steps to print the NTEB branded King James Bible for our free Bible and Bibles Behind Bars program. It is exciting and intimidating at the same time. If the Lord has prospered your financially, we ask you to donate to help us continue to send out free Bibles at this level, and even higher than we are at the moment. It takes a lot of prayer, and a lot of resources to do all this. Praise the Lord we are doing it, all of us together, labouring in the Lord’s harvest field. TO THE FIGHT!!!

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. We have a Gospel Billboard program. We are now broadcasting Bible studies, Podcasts and a Sunday Service 5 times a week, thanks to your generous donations. All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing.

But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post REVIVAL BEHIND BARS: We Had 7 Souls Pray To Get Saved This Weekend As The Lord Continues To Give The End Times Harvest We’ve All Been Praying For! appeared first on Now The End Begins.