Sabbath reflections…
Yesterday was a switch. For the month of July I made an entry everyday as a commitment to those committed to dedicating the month as a “Sabbath month.” However, since yesterday was my weekly Sabbath celebration I decided not to do the work required to prepared a devotional and blog; I enjoyed the rest. I also delighted myself in my mother’s cooking as we visited Walhalla (now that’s Sabbath living! )
In reflecting back over my Sabbath day I thought about how special it was. Even through I live in the same house with my soul mate and wife, our busy lives keep us apart for most of each day. In addition, I thought about how rare it is to sit at the table with my parents (my mother in law and Aunt Bernice were also there). I pray that we will all live for many more years, yet even if we do, in reality there will only be a few more times in our lives that we will actually be together like that. The work of living and making a living keeps us apart and in every year there are only a few hours in which we are actually together.
The Jewish rabbis teach their people that the first three days after Sabbath should be used for reflecting back on the previous Sabbath and drawing strength for its delights and then the next three days should be used for reflecting on the upcoming Sabbath and its awaiting delights. Truly I will have something dear and precious to reflect back on over the next few days as it relates to yesterday’s Sabbath. It is my prayer that you will experience the same in living a “Sabbath life.”
As far as today, please keep Sonja and me in your prayers. We are in Mauldin, South Carolina today participating in a wedding involving the children of some dear friends. Please pray that we will have traveling mercy on the way home this evening; hopefully I’ll even get home in time for ice cream!
I send my love and best wishes and for all you PEPpers, I look forward to seeing you in church tomorrow…and no, I’m not preaching on Sabbath living! Hint: Think Samson…
Blessings all,