Trump White House Faith Office Director Paula White Is Selling ‘7 Supernatural Passover Blessings’ Which Can Be Yours For A Mere $1,000 If You Act Now

Charismatic huckster Paula White wants to sell you her ‘7 Supernatural Passover Blessings’ powerpack for a mere $1,000 while supplies last. Paula White is not a pastor, not a preacher, not a minister and certainly not an apostle according to any biblical definition of what an apostle is. So what is Paula White? Well, most […] The post Trump White House Faith Office Director Paula White Is Selling ... »

With Death Toll Now Passing 1,000 Souls, Israel Has Mobilized 300,000 Troops For Massive Ground Assault Of Gaza Set To Start In A Few Hours

With Death Toll Now Passing 1,000 Souls, Israel Has Mobilized 300,000 Troops For Massive Ground Assault Of Gaza Set To Start In A Few Hours

Israel is on the cusp of an armed military incursion into the Gaza Strip to battle Hamas terrorists who slaughtered over a thousand civilians this past weekend in a series of ruthless and cowardly surprise attacks. Over the past 48 hours, Israel has unleashed a blistering barrage of rocket strikes on Hamas strongholds in Gaza, […] The post With Death Toll Now Passing 1,000 Souls, Israel Has Mobili... »

RT @travisjohnson73: "A picture is worth 1,000 words. But, an experience is worth 1,000… http://goo.gl/fb/8t1mT #ourCOG

RT @travisjohnson73: "A picture is worth 1,000 words. But, an experience is worth 1,000… http://goo.gl/fb/8t1mT #ourCOG »



Charles Page!,”I’d go to Cleveland and gather up the left behind luxury cars parked at Westmore, #COGHQ #NCCOG #COGST #AmywayU” Brian Crisp,LOL. You must also be a former CoG minister. Charles Page!,I heard TL Lowery make a comment similar to that at NCCOG  He turned to the associate and told him when the rapture takes place he could have his car keys. Brian Crisp,lol Terry Wiles... »

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