2012 Church of God Resolution on FINANCIAL INTERDEPENDENCE

2012 Church of God Resolution on FINANCIAL INTERDEPENDENCE

WHEREAS, God himself revealed a unity of equality and interdependence by such Biblical revelations as “Let us make” (Genesis 1:26); “I and my Father are one”  (John 10:30); and “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy  Spirit” (Matthew 28:19); and, WHEREAS, the Church of God is bound together in a covenant of brotherhood— equality, embracing over seven million members and a far ... »

Church of God General Assembly 2012 – Item 6 & 8

Church of God General Assembly 2012 – Item 6 & 8

Here are two more items that appear on the General Assembly Agenda.  They both relate to how business is conducted at the General assembly every two years. 6. MOTIONS COMMITTEE We recommend: That we amend page 68, S4. INTERNATIONAL GENERAL COUNCIL, IV. INTERNATIONAL GENERAL COUNCIL MOTIONS COMMITTEE, by adding the following paragraph: Previous notice shall be required for any motion which greatly ... »

Wife wanted to know if my brother was going to come to Thanksgiving? I told her only if he votes Dennis Page in 2012. #ourCOG #letusDPin2012

Wife wanted to know if my brother was going to come to Thanksgiving? I told her only if he votes Dennis Page in 2012. #ourCOG #letusDPin2012 »

Going to see @RaviZacharias tonight at #Lee, just to see if I approve of him speaking at the 2012 #ourCOG General Assembly. #JudgmentDay

Going to see @RaviZacharias tonight at #Lee, just to see if I approve of him speaking at the 2012 #ourCOG General Assembly. #JudgmentDay »