


Lee University DAL: Acts (2018/IC:BIBL-206-DOL1): This course includes a detailed study of the book of Acts, the missionary development of the early church, the life and journeys of Paul, and geographical and social backgrounds as they relate to the development of the early church. Audience: This class is for: Young ministers or mentors of young ministers, who need a solid doctrinal foundation for... »

MISSION MEXICO: Randon Acts of Kindness

MISSION MEXICO: Randon Acts of Kindness

Lloyd and Joyce Heiney are short-term missionaries serving in Mexico. Like many missionaries, they have sentimental experiences that help reinforce their love for those to whom they minister and that leave an indelible mark upon their hearts. In 2011, Sam … Continue reading → »

Luke and Acts Published (New Bulgarian Translation)

   We are both happy and humbled to announce the publication of the Luke/Acts volume of the New Testament in Bulgarian. This fourth and final volume of our literal translation was presented to the churches on the day of Pentecost, which this year in Bulgaria was on June 25th. It has taken us almost seven [...] »