
Salaries of Church of God leadership?

Does anyone know what the salaries of the executive committee members is? What about ABs? I’m curious to know but I can’t find the info. Thank you. submitted by /u/Warbird979 [link] [comments] »

Rise Thread locked?

Why? Those answers were not actual answers. Brother Stewart is just saying the guys got elected. But being on the council doesn't make you Holiness. I only know one of the three rise sights but I know for a fact that the pastor there upports using gays as volunteers for services. Why couldn't this be posted under that comment? submitted by /u/PeeDeePentecostal [link] [comments] »

Rise and Go Woke?

Did the conference of an EC member just visit a church that openly supports the use of LGBT individuals as volunteers for Sunday services? That is what I was told. Just trying to confirm, which of the three sites was it? Or was it more than one? If TS ... »

When has a Pastor stayed too long?

In the Church of God, how is it determined that it's time for a Pastoral change? Is it the declining health of the Pastor? Is it declining church attendance? Is there a limit to the ineffectiveness of the Pastor to lead before the AB drops the hammer? If another church located just a few miles away suddenly starts seeing an influx of the Pastor's members, does that mean he has stayed too long? Is ... »