
Rise Thread locked?

Why? Those answers were not actual answers. Brother Stewart is just saying the guys got elected. But being on the council doesn't make you Holiness. I only know one of the three rise sights but I know for a fact that the pastor there upports using gays as volunteers for services. Why couldn't this be posted under that comment? submitted by /u/PeeDeePentecostal [link] [comments] »

Rise and Go Woke?

Did the conference of an EC member just visit a church that openly supports the use of LGBT individuals as volunteers for Sunday services? That is what I was told. Just trying to confirm, which of the three sites was it? Or was it more than one? If TS ... »

When has a Pastor stayed too long?

In the Church of God, how is it determined that it's time for a Pastoral change? Is it the declining health of the Pastor? Is it declining church attendance? Is there a limit to the ineffectiveness of the Pastor to lead before the AB drops the hammer? If another church located just a few miles away suddenly starts seeing an influx of the Pastor's members, does that mean he has stayed too long? Is ... »

If an AB of a southern state is feeling a little Moody…

And he decides to take some drugs, becoming an addict because he can't handle the pressure of a mid to lower tier assignment, should rehab be a requirement? Should he be trusted in leadership? Should he be given a cushy job in Cleveland and paycheck without going through rigorous detox and rehab? Should he be asked to take to the Internet in defense of whatever agenda his overlords demand he defen... »