
Change District?

Does anyone know of a situation where a church changed districts? What were the circumstances? Or do you know of a church that was denied switching districts? What is the procedure to change districts? Thank you for the help. submitted by ... »

Is it a Sin to hoard “church money”?

Let’s say you have a nice facility, no debt, all bills paid when they come in, etc. Over the years you have managed to build up cash reserves of nearly three hundred thousand dollars. You have no community outreach to speak of, do not support cog missi... »

Christmas Is Not Pagan

Christmas Is Not Pagan

Christmas Is Not Pagan I thought this video was really interesting, so I thought I'd post it here for others who enjoy this kind of exploration of church history. submitted by /u/shaunbwilson [link] [comments] »

Thanksgiving traditions

Since the (almost) forgotten holiday of Thanksgiving is just a little over two weeks away, I thought we could share what we enjoy about the holiday. As a child we had huge family gatherings. The men would always go hunting and one of them always brough... »