
Church insurance OUCH!

We visited a small church in central Florida the last 2-3 Sundays. Attendance is about the same as a year or so ago, ranges around 25 to 40 in attendance. I am sure the pastor takes no or little salary. He is very dedicated like many pastors. He mentio... »

Advent Wreath/Candles

Hello fellow Actscelerators. I am considering doing something traditional this Christmas season, and I have thought and prayed a lot about having an Advent wreath with candles and incorporating that into the Sunday morning services. Do any of you have ... »

Celebrating God’s Goodness

Celebrating God’s Goodness

I've been reflecting on God's incredible work through WCCM this past week, and I want to share a testimony of His faithfulness with my friends here. Last Sunday, October 13, our organization awarded our first accredited degrees in Zambia. The degree awarded was a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology. The students were all experienced ministers who spent the past two years earning this degree, ... »

Psalm 146 (ESV)

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord as long as I live;     I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. Put not your trust in princes,     in a son of man, in whom there is... »