
Are you open to a different style of worship music in your church?

Most of us go to church where things are done the way we prefer them. Whether it’s the style of preaching or the style of music and singing, we tend to gravitate towards what we personally like. But what if you got a new pastor who decided to change th... »

New order from Hamas regarding hostages

I just saw on the news that Hamas has issued an order to kill any hostage that Israel tries to rescue. So much ... »

Debbie, North Florida

We are sitting in Wildwood FL now, WE braced for BAD but only have gotten heavy rains, little wind. Our prayers for those who suffered damage coming up the coast. We see the worst is in North Florida now; thinking of Brother Aaron Scott and pastors and churches Praying for ALL in the storm's clutches. I know this will be read later, just wanted y'all to know you are in our prayers. You guys in Geo... »

Is it biblically acceptable for a married couple to choose not to have kids or actively limit the number of kids they have?

There are some denominations that consider all family planning a sin. Do you think the Bible makes it clear that contraceptives that do not abort a viable pregnancy are a sin? Are today's Christians still under a command to be fruitful and multiply or can we consider the earth to be replenished at this point? submitted by /u/ViewFromThePew78 [link] [comments] »