
Active Church of God Congregations

Can someone give me the number of active congregations in the CoG? I've searched the website and couldn't find it. The last number I had was 36,000 worldwide. Thanks for any help, and if you could provide a link I would appreciate it. Well, according to Wikipedia there are 41,213 congregations. How they know that is anyone's guess!,_Tennessee)... »

Allowing prayer in school

My daughter is an elementary school teacher who opposes reinstating school prayer because she doesn’t want her kids exposed to prayers to false gods/deities. That and she doesn’t want to have to explain to 22 kids why Susie prays to Jesus while Mikey p... »

Allowing prayer in school

My daughter is an elementary school teacher who opposes reinstating school prayer because she doesn’t want her kids exposed to prayers to false gods/deities. That and she doesn’t want to have to explain to 22 kids why Susie prays to Jesus while Mikey p... »

How do you feel about a Sikh prayer being included at the Republican National Convention?

How do you feel about a Sikh prayer being included at the Republican National Convention?

Harmeet Dhillon offers 'Ardas' at Republican National Convention in presence of Donald Trump I was not familiar with the Ardas before seeing this. Wikipedia has a short entry about it. I also found this English translation. submitted by /u/ViewFromThePew78 [link] [comments] »