
Tithe vs General Fund

I consider my support to the local church as gifts to support the work of the Lord. I have mentioned here and on the old forum that since I have been in or around the COG all my life, I know many of the southern COG ministers. Several have become Overseers and worked in COG & Missions admin. I do know many jobs that were created (evidently) for men who needed income until a 'slot' was found. I... »

Tim Hill’s final article as G.O. of the CoG

I thought this was an insightful article where the GO mentions the times of exuberant worship and also the challenges that come with leadership. Thoughts? »

What happened?

There were two posts, one about something the GO said in a camp meeting about Job's wife, and the other about the upcoming GA and how the CoG is becoming like the UMC. Why did y'all take them down? submitted by /u/Warbird979 [link] [comments] »

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and father figures. submitted by /u/Warbird979 [link] [comments] »