
General Assembly thoughts…

General Assembly thoughts…

Today is Saturday. The 71st General Assembly ended this morning and we are heading home to Louisiana to get ready for the coming work assigned to us. Some thoughts about this experience...Kathy and I are blessed to have many friends in ministry. This i... »

GA22 AGENDA: Special Sessions for this General Assembly

GA22 AGENDA: Special Sessions for this General Assembly

The daily schedule of the Ordained Bishop’s General Council looks like this: Tuesday, July 26: 8:30am – 10:00am – Business Session 10:30am – Noon – General Assembly Special Session 1:30pm – 4:30pm – Business Session   Special Sessions Called for Upcoming General Assembly Cleveland, TN—The Church of God International Executive Council has released a statement concerning the unique circumstance... »

Throwback Thursday: Use of the Term “Bishop” for State/Regional/National or International Offices: Discussion on Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016 Agenda

Throwback Thursday: Use of the Term “Bishop” for State/Regional/National or International Offices: Discussion on Church of God General Assembly, Nashville 2016 Agenda

Currently, the item is under referral for further study to be presented as a report at next assembly. Apart from its historical usage in the tradition and current IRS church related rulings, the item relates to the following issues currently in discussion as presented to the International General Council in four year increments: Titles for all Ranks of Ministry  (as related to current Item 10) Qua... »

Church of God 2022 General Assembly Friday Evening Worship Service (Official)

Church of God 2022 General Assembly Friday Evening Worship Service (Official)
