
The Seven Raptures of the Bible

The Seven Raptures of the Bible

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching that untangles all of the confusion regarding the timing of the rapture of the church, by showing from the Scriptures that there are in fact seven recorded raptures. »

" ALL THESE WEARY ONES " My bible reading today…

” ALL THESE WEARY ONES ” My bible reading today was in Isa. 50, I paused on verse 4 and eventually pulled out several translations as it was so rich, so needed in the CoG as well as all churches. Here it is in the TLB. ” The Lord has given me his words of wisdom so that I may know what I should say to all these weary ones.” one version says ” these bruised reeds ̶... »

At a Bible College a few years ago, my wife…

At a Bible College a few years ago, my wife & I put over $550k of our personal ministry funds into the work. Of course, there were always one or two who told everyone that we were only there to deceive and get a lot of money off the people. One even went on a local news station and said to the whole world that I personally received hundreds of thousands of dollars from donors and I used it on... »


DOES THE BIBLE SAY JESUS IS GOD? Matthew 1:23 – “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Isaiah 9:6 – For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Pea... »