
Daily Bible Readings For Sunday School Lesson On May 2nd

Daily Bible Readings For Sunday School Lesson On May 2nd


NCJunior Bible Story

NCJunior Bible Story

Join us for a new bible story just for young kids! New to North Cleveland? Click here: Did you give your life to Christ today? Click here: Partner with us! Click here: »

A TOTAL RESPONSE to the Muslims attack on the BIBLE….

A TOTAL RESPONSE to the Muslims attack on the BIBLE….

A TOTAL RESPONSE to the Muslims attack on the BIBLE. Watch and you will learn a lot. »

Zoom bible study…

Hi brothers & sisters On a recent Zoom bible study it was said that because my fiance does not speak in tounges she is therefore not sealed by the Holy Spirit and is NOT SAVED. I’m new to the group and have looked to see if this topic has been clarified but can’t see a direct answer. This statement could cause my fiance to doubt her faith in Christ and God. Can anyone (RESPECTFULL... »