

“May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.” (Psa. 141:2) [What... »

The Nature of Pentecostal Theology

In the light of recent discussions regarding the nature of Pentecostal theology, I found this dissertation which promises to be very interesting. Here is... »

A.D. The Bible Continues, Commentary Week 3, Dr. Mark L. Williams HD

A.D. The Bible Continues, Commentary Week 3, Dr. Mark L. Williams HD


Bible that survived Titanic sinking now on display in Pigeon Forge

A Bible that survived the sinking of the Titanic is now on display in East Tennessee, and it has ties to our area. You can see the book for a limited time at the Titanic Musuem Attraction in Pigeon Forge. The Bible’s owner was Reverend Robert J. Bateman. He was born in Bristol, England, in 1860. He came to Knoxville in the 1890’s, where he founded the People’s Tabernacle Church o... »