
What Do Americans Really Think About the Bible?

March 27, 2013 – One of March’s media stories has been the success of the History Channel miniseries,The Bible. The first episode, which premiered on March 3, had 13.1 million viewers, according to Nielsen, making it the highest entertainment (read: non-sports) broadcast of 2013. The interest in a cable series makes it clear the American public is certainly interested in the Bible. But what do Ame... »

Poverty and Justice Bible Calls Christians to Action

Poverty and Justice Bible Calls Christians to Action

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THE BIBLE – Extended Look

THE BIBLE – Extended Look


Davao Bible College Dedicates New Building in Philippines

Like a Year of Jubilee celebration, hundreds of friends, partners, staff and students joined the dedication ceremonies of Davao Bible College’s (DBC) new multipurpose building on September 19, 2012. A seven-year project to complete, the three levels ... »