
The Future of Roman Catholicism (Part III) :: By The Gospelist

The Jesuits The Dominicans were extremely loathsome creatures whose stated purpose was to engage in ‘contemplative life’ and ‘active ministry.’ However, their main job was to manage the torture chambers of the inquisition. The only thing they ‘contempl... »

Swedish Megachurch Leader Ulf Ekman Converts to Catholicism

Megachurch leader Ulf Ekman of the Word of Life ministry in Sweden has announced that he and his wife Birgitta have converted to Roman Catholicism. The announcement, according to reports, has left some in his congregation “partially stunned.” In his explanation onhis website, Ekman says the conversations he and Birgitta had with Catholics challenged their “protestant prejudices&#... »

Roman Catholicism claims to be Apostolic in origin and practice….

Roman Catholicism claims to be Apostolic in origin and practice. They earnestly contend that all of their Canon laws both written and unwritten has it’s origin directly and indirectly with the teachings and practices of first century Christianity under the Apostolic supervision. The dogma of Transubstantiation was officially declared to be and article of faith at the fourth Lateran Council u... »