
Trump, Separation of Children, and What a Christian Should Do

Herm Edwards is famous for a phrase… “Don’t press send!” No one knows how many tweets I delete before pressing send.  Honestly, some are mostly harmless, but my wife sees things that I do not and I have learned to defer to her j... »

Protect Your Children | Jentezen Franklin

Protect Your Children | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Protect Your Children”. The right word at the right time in the right place is like pieces of gold in the right setting. Words are so powerful and the very things God has used throughout the centuries to transform lives and build His church. This is an excerpt from “Getting Back to God’s Word” To watch the full message click here: To he... »

Ministry To Children

Ministry To Children

Since it has already been shown that demon spirits are able to gain entrance to a fetus and to children, it is obvious that there should be deliverance for them. Demons can be called out of children in the same way they are called out of older persons. There will be manifestations of the spirits leaving through the mouth and nose as in other deliverances. Ordinarily, children are quite easily deli... »

Children & Family Pastor, Danville, VA

River Oak Church, located in Danville, VA, is expanding our ministry TEAM by seeking a full-time Children’s and Family Pastor.  River Oak is an emerging church celebrating one-hundred years of […] The post Children & Family Pastor, Dan... »