
I am a christian, I believe in Christ Jesus and…

I am a christian, I believe in Christ Jesus and the Bible as the inspired book. My question: why do we put crosses in our church buildings? Do we believe in the Risen Christ or the one still Hanging on the cross? #constructive »

Why must Christ Jesus be born of a virgin? Is…

Why must Christ Jesus be born of a virgin? Is sex in marriage a sin? Why did the bible say in sin did my mother conceive? Does sex in marriage make conceived baby a sinner?Psalm 51:5. Why could he not be born by a married couple? What exactly makes a child that has never committed sin a sinner? If there is why a man is conceived in sin or born a sinner, why couldn’t the same reason make Lord... »

Jesus Christ is the only hope of man Acts 4:12

Jesus Christ is the only hope of man Acts 4:12 »

The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy…

The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy according to the book of Revelation. My question is.. Was John’s vision and testimony an example of being “caught up” in Christ (aka “raptured”) in the end times? I’ve heard this view before and was wondering what your thoughts are »