
Does the Bible condone slavery? Eventually, every thinking Christian must…

Does the Bible condone slavery? Eventually, every thinking Christian must…

This post is for those who say God approves of slavery. I hope you can see, when you take in the context. God doesn’t condone owning another human. Does the Bible condone slavery? Eventually, every thinking Christian must confront this question. For one thing, if you read your Bible on a regular basis, it is only a matter of time before you will run into passages that speak quite frankly of ... »

*Is it right for a married Christian couple to employ…

*Is it right for a married Christian couple to employ the use of condom as a birth control method.? »

I am a christian, I believe in Christ Jesus and…

I am a christian, I believe in Christ Jesus and the Bible as the inspired book. My question: why do we put crosses in our church buildings? Do we believe in the Risen Christ or the one still Hanging on the cross? #constructive »

If you’re going to be a true Christian you’re going…

If you’re going to be a true Christian you’re going to lead a lonely life, it is a narrow way and it gets narrower and narrower. Leonard Ravenhill. Never a truer word spoken and a price I’m willing to pay. »