Taking Responsibility for Inherited Prejudice
It was an incredibly hot day and I was selling Jesus junk at a Christian bookstore when she came in. She had on a pretty, eggshell-colored sleeveless summer dress and she was asking about a... »
It was an incredibly hot day and I was selling Jesus junk at a Christian bookstore when she came in. She had on a pretty, eggshell-colored sleeveless summer dress and she was asking about a... »
Has anyone told you to look at something off in the distance? They are pointing in that direction and describing it with their words. You try to find it based on their guidance. However you can't see what they see. Maybe at some point... »
Today, I tried to share a little about Enoch. Yes, the Enoch in the Bible, the one who was “taken away” instead of dying. It’s an odd story that really isn’t given as much play in the Scriptures as it should be. Elijah was the other one who never died in the Scriptures. His life […] »
Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity published by the Canadian Pentecostal Research Network PentecoStudies Online Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Pentecostalism and Charismatic Movements. Published under the auspices of GloPent since 2006. Encounter from the website: “The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary is proud to introduce Enco... »