

When I hear people discuss the book of Job I sometimes walk away wondering if they have actually ever read the book. For example, I often hear people slamming Job’s … Continue reading → »

My First Copy is Here!

My First Copy is Here!

I'm sitting here at school looking through my first review copy of These Moments Pass!For those that haven't yet heard, I'm publishing a small collection of original poetry (53 pages) to sell through Amazon (first in Paperback, and - in a few weeks - o... »


I hear criesIn the wilderness.Some beast-childWanting fresh milkFrom a motherLong since deadAnd mounted inSomeone’s living room.This poem © Kevin Walker. Published Feb. 2012. »

In Closing

Looking up from this bedI whisper softlyTo the surroundingFriends, andFamily, andEcho the words ofThe Savior:“It is finished.”I close my eyes,And with a smile,Drift off into thatEternal sleep,Longing to hear it said:“Well done.”This poem © Kev... »